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Edutalks & handouts

Voicing voor begaafde leerlingen

Dit is een selectie van de slides die Marianne den Otter gebruikte tijdens haar presentatie op de terugkomdag voor oud studenten van Slim! Educatief (7 juni 2024).


Point Presentatie Anouke Bakx

Dit is een selectie van de slides die Anouke Bakx heeft gebruikt tijdens de terugkomsdag voor oudstudenten (7 juni 2024, De kracht van educatief Partnerschap). 


Het Systemisch Support Programma

Deze slides zijn een selectie van de slides die op de terugkomdag voor oud-studenten (7 juni 2024) zijn gebruikt door Eleonoor van Gerven


The ABC’s of Identity Development for Neurodiverse Learners

This is a selection of the slides Dr Troxclair and Dr van Gerven used for their presentation at CEC-TAG Conference March 2024.


The Sparkle Project

Youtube Video

In this video, the members of the Educational Insights Group talk about their latest research project, The Sparkle Project. They tell about how and when they experience sparkling moments in their jobs as teacher educators, and they invite teachers to join their research project at www.sparkleproject.net.

The Sparkle Project aims to get a better understanding of what makes teachers sparkle in their jobs? We want to know what similarities and differences there are regarding the motivational factors for their profession between teachers involved with gifted learners and teachers who are not involved with gifted learners or those who may not know they are involved with gifted learners. As this research is undertaken in an international context (in different countries), we would like to determine similarities and differences between teachers worldwide. Understanding what makes teachers thrive in their jobs helps us shape the best professional context possible for teachers.


Underachievement is so 2020...

Youtube Video

Newsflash! A paradigm shift is required.

This is a recording of the keynote, introducing the notion of 'underlearning' , I delivered during the 2022 Hormel's Symposium of gifted education June 2022.


Edutalk 6 The Systemic Intervention Proctol

Youtube Video

In this session, we use the change and solution-focused approach to show how educators can design interventions for individual students who do not develop commensurate to their abilities. The approach is based on the notion of systemic influences on education. The process of creating systemic interventions creates ownership and agency towards the designed interventions which enhances the chances for success. The use of the systemic intervention protocol will be illustrated by vignettes and case studies.


Edutalk 5 Raising the bar. The competencies of specialists in gifted education

Youtube Video

Internationally, there has been shifts in our understanding of the importance of meeting the needs of gifted learners. These shifts call on the knowledge and skills of specialists in gifted education. This has consequences for the way we educate these specialists. Basis for their teacher education should be a competency profile of specialists in gifted education with interplaying with competencies usually associated with general education. In this session, a competency matrix for specialists in gifted education that reflects this development will be presented. The study describes what knowledge and skills could be considered examples of the 25 competencies that are recommended. Stakeholders (teachers, specialists in gifted education and parents; N=354) were presented with these indicators and asked which of them they considered important. Their selections provide insight into their understanding of the competencies of specialists in gifted education. The selections also provide a better understanding of what stakeholders consider to be important for gifted education.


Edutalk 4 Gifted learners & ADHD: Teacher's toolkit

Youtube Video

If there are gifted students with ADHD in your classroom, you’ll probably encounter students who have difficulties with executive skills. These difficulties might result in behavioural problems and/or learning issues. Such difficulties may remove the likelihood that these students will develop their full academic and social-emotional potential. This presentation will integrate theory with practice for teachers in helping gifted learners with ADHD become successfully intelligent.


Edutalk 3 Gifted learners & Dyscalculia

Youtube Video

In this session, we explore the effects of flaws in the instructional strategies that may cause severe problems with maths, and we provide strategies to prevent and remediate problems with math’s in a pre-diagnostic stage. This process helps to determine if a learning disability or systemic influences cause mathematical problems. A strength based and talent focused approach is presented. Participants will understand the importance of stimulating strategies, the usefulness of compensation strategies, the relevance of remediating strategies and the respect they need to show for the limitations caused by the disability by exempting the student when these limits are reached.


Edutalk 2 2E in the regular classroom

Youtube Video

In this edutalk, we explain how the concept of educational design can be used to design effective intervention strategies for working with twice-exceptional students in the regular classroom. In the second part of this edutalk an example of a simple interventions in described.


Edutalk 1: 2E case study "Meet Tommie"

Youtube Video

Deze edutalk is gebaseerd op het onderwijsdesignonderzoek dat verricht is door een van onze studenten in de opleiding specialist dubbel bijzondere leerlingen.
Om eventuele herkenning met de betreffende leerling te voorkomen is gebruik gemaakt van foto's van een stockbureau.
Om eventuele herkenning van de leerling te voorkomen is tevens geen vermelding gedaan van de student die dit onderzoek heeft uitgevoerd.
Daar waar aanvullende gegevens mogelijk de identiteit van de leerling zouden kunnen openbaren, zijn deze gegevens zo bewerkt dat deze niet meer te herleiden zijn tot een specifieke leerling.

Hoewel deze edutalk openbaar gemaakt is op de website, is het niet toegestaan om de edutalk te downloaden. Ik ga ervan uit dat je als gebruiker van de website dit respecteert.


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Via de e-mailnieuwsbrief brengen we je enkele malen per jaar op de hoogte van de activiteiten van Slim! Educatief. We delen je gegevens nooit met derden en je kan te allen tijde uitschrijven.